APC 15000 RAID Power Supply User Manual

84 007-5510-002
test so it will not affect the performance of the system. Any changes applied to delay will affect tests
in progress as well as future testing. This system spare diagnostic delay value is given in 100 millisecond
increments. The valid range for 'x' is 0..100. The default is 0.
The SPARE PATTERN=x command sets the system spare diagnostics pattern. The test pattern
determines the pattern written to the disks during the test. The system supports the following patterns:
UNIQUE Includes unique information including timestamp
AA 0xAA is written to each byte
55 0x55 is written to each byte
FF 0xFF is written to each byte
00 0x00 is written to each byte
COUNTUP A pattern of counting up is written to each byte
COUNTDOWN A pattern of counting down is written to each byte
The default is UNIQUE. Note that the tests in progress are not affected by this parameter setting.
Changing the pattern only applies to tests started after the parameter was modified.
The SPARE START command starts the spare diagnostics task if it is not running. Note that this will start
diagnostics on both units in a dual system, as this is a system parameter.
The SPARE STOP command aborts any ongoing diagnostic operations. Note that this command will
stop them and then the task will be idle until the SPARE RESTART command is executed. Note that
this will stop diagnostics on both units in a dual system as this is a system parameter.
The SPARE PAUSE command pauses but does not stop any ongoing diagnostic operation, only on the
unit from which the command is run. If a test is being run from the other unit in a dual, the pause
command will NOT affect that test.
The SPARE RESUME command releases any paused diagnostic operations and allows them to continue
only on the unit from which the command is run. If a test has been paused on the other unit in a couplet,
the SPARE RESUME command will NOT affect that test.