Emulation Memory
This is the amount of memory (KB) dedicated to non-PostScript
emulations for temporary storage and for loading optional emulations. The
size range and default varies depending upon the amount of memory
available on your system.
Increasing this client's memory allows more complicated non-PostScript
jobs to print and allows larger, optional emulations or multiple emulations
to be loaded and ready to process jobs, without having to be reloaded
every time a job in that emulation is sent.
If an emulation is loaded to process a print job and there is not enough
memory in the emulation client, another emulation already loaded might
be unloaded automatically to obtain the necessary memory. If you notice a
delay in printing between jobs that have different non-resident emulations,
it's possible that emulations are being reloaded each time they are run.
Adding to the emulation client might eliminate this unloading and
reloading and, consequently, increase throughput.
Also, increase the emulation client if you are printing complex non-
PostScript jobs that might require more memory to process correctly.
K Mem Emul
Note: If you are using the optional CCITT emulation, this value should be
increased by 200 KB.
Temporary Emulation Memory
This is the amount of memory (KB) to be used by non-PostScript
emulations for storing downloaded fonts. The size range and default
varies depending upon the amount of memory available on your system.
This memory allows context switching, which is the ability to retain
downloaded fonts even after the printer changes from one emulation to
another. Context switching prevents repetitive downloading and traffic
congestion on networks.
Normally, this memory client does not need to be changed unless you
plan to download many different non-PostScript fonts.
K Mem Emul Temp