Chapter 2 Avaya C460 CLI Commands
32 Avaya C460 Reference Guide
enable interface
User level: read-write, admin.
Use the enable interface command to enable the inband and outband
The syntax for this command is:
en[able] interface {outband | inband}
enable vlan commands
User level: read-write, admin.
L You can only access this command in interface mode.
Type interface [name] at the command prompt to enter interface mode.
L Use the enable vlans commands command before configuring VLAN-
oriented parameters, when there is more than one interface on the same VLAN.
The syntax for this command is:
enable vlan commands
outband Enables the outband interface
inband Enables the inband interface
C460-1# en interface inband
This command will RESET the device
*** Reset *** - do you want to continue (Y/N)? Y
Attaching network interface lo0... done.
Welcome to C460
SW version 1.0.1
Router-1(config-if:marketing)#enable vlan commands