Barco DCS-200 Switch User Manual

DCS-200 • User’s Guide 147
Remote Commands
Description: Input Vertical Total Adjust. This command is a query only.
Parameters: -i (input): 1 - 9
Query Format: IVTOTAL -i (input) -?
Query Response: IVTOTAL -i (input) -t (total)
Description: Pulldown Compensation mode adjust.
Command Format: PCOMP -i (input) -m (mode)
Parameters: -i (input):1 - 9
-m(mode): 0 - off, 1 - on (Default: off)
Query Format: PCOMP -i (input) -?
Query Response: PCOMP -i (input) -m (mode) --min 0 -- max 1
Description: Take the input currently on preview onto program.
Command Format: TAKE
Command Params: None
Description: Set the mixer to output black.
Command Format: BLACK -m (mode)
Parameters: -m (mode): 0 - off, 1 - on
Query Format: BLACK -?
Query Response: BLACK -m (mode) --min 0 --max 1
Description: Query-only command used to identify whether the preview output
mezzanine is installed
Query Format: OAVAIL -o (output) -?
Parameters: -o (output): 1 - DVI, 3 - Preview DVI
-m (mode): 0 - output not available, 1 - output available
Query Response: OAVAIL -o (output) -m (mode)
Description: Save Output Configuration
Command Format: OCSAV