7. Random Access
Changing the filter setting
1. Push the cursor key ↑ or ↓ highlight filter list.
2. Press ENTER to toggle the annotation between brackets.
[All] : all files that can be loaded will be displayed.
[Fit] : only the best fitting files will be displayed (with a distinction of ± 2 lines and line duration of ± 300 ns, if nothing is found
within this small area, the projector continues s earch ing until it finds something).
1. Push the cursor key ↑ or ↓ to select the best fitting file. (menu 7 -5)
2. Press ENTER to select.
A confirm Load file menu will be displayed with the newly created file and the one on which the new file is based on. (menu 7-6)
3. Press ENTER to confirm the new creation or EXIT to return to the load file menu.
ilename Scr resolution
video525.s01 1 675x240i
video525.c01 1 675x240i
video525.c02 1 675x240i
Active file : Video525.c50
Select with
<ENTER> to accept
<EXIT> to return.
Menu 7 -5
create file
based on file
<ENTER> to return
<EXIT> to return.
Menu 7 -6
During a load file, the actual file is displayed next to the indication Ac ti v e file.
When scrolling through the files, the image will be adapted according to the settings of the selected file ( on
line adaptation.
The image is not perfect ?
If the displayed image is not correct after selecting the best fitting file, go to the Edit menu, select the active file and change the File
7.2.5 Edit file
The Edit file menu makes it pos sible to change the settings of the file according to the real settings of the connec ted source. Consult
the source specification be fore entering the data.
• Changing the settings
• Corre ct va lue
R5976182 BARCOREA LITY 6500 30012001