NOOK User Guide Reading 121
To go to a specific page in an eBook or periodical:
To go to a specific page in an eBook, tap Go to > Page. Move the slider to the page you want to
go to. When available, chapter names are displayed above the page numbers. When you raise your
finger, you are taken to that page. Move the slider again to go to a dierent page. Tap to close
the slider.
To go to a specific location in an eBook or periodical:
To go to a specific location in an eBook, tap Go to and choose one of the destinations (Page,
Cover, or Chapter and choose a chapter).
For eBooks that have a large number of chapters, it can take about a minute before all of
the chapters are present in the Go to menu. If the chapter you want is not present in the
menu, tap the Back button, wait a little while, tap Chapter, and scroll to the chapter again.
To go to a specific location in a periodical, tap Go to and choose one of the destinations (Page,
Front page, or Section and choose a section).
To go to a specific location via a link:
Navigation in newspapers and magazines is mainly accomplished using links. eBooks can also contain
links, for example, to footnotes or endnotes. When links are present on a page, the first link on
the page is highlighted and the Up and Down buttons are present on the touchscreen. Tap the Up
and Down buttons to highlight dierent links. Tap Select to go to a link’s destination. Tap the Back
button to return to the page with the link. You can only jump back one jump.
To go to a bookmark in an eBook:
Tap Bookmarks > Go to bookmark and choose a bookmark.
Reader Text Fonts
Some eBooks and periodicals specify the text font in which the digital content is displayed. If the
publisher specifies a text font, then the content is displayed in that font if the font is embedded in
the content.
Other eBooks and periodicals leave the choice of font to the Reader, in which case your NOOK
uses one of three fonts. Amasis is a serif font. Helvetica
Neue is a sans serif font. Light Classic is a
serif font. Here are Amasis and Helvetica Neue: