Black Box Version 1.0 Network Card User Manual

> r1483> setpvc 8/35 llc
> r1483>
Command format: setpvc [<vpi>/]<vci> [llc/vcmux]
VPI/VCI: Sets PVC with the VPI/VCI number.
LLC/VCMUX: Shows the encapsulation type according to
RFC1483. Setqos command
The setqos command sets the priority for the active PVC.
> r1483> setqos 8/35 ubr
> r1483>
Command format: setqos [<vpi>/]<vci> <ubr|cbr|vbr(nrt)>
VPI/VCI: Sets PVC with the VPI/VCI number.
UBR: Sets the UBR priority.
CBR: Sets the CBR priority.
VBR: Sets the VBR priority.
VBRNRT: Sets the VBR-NRT priority.
Note! The setqos command changes the PVC parameters, first configured by the quick
command (see 8.2.9) or setpvc command (see If the mentioned PVC is not
found, the system displays an error message. Setspan command
The setspan command enables and disables the spanning tree mode for all PVCs.
> r1483> setspan disable
> r1483>
Command format: setspan <Enable>|<Disable>
Version: 1.0 Page. 56 of 95
Enable: To enable the spanning tree mode for
all PVCs.
UBR: To disable the spanning tree mode for
all PVCs.