SNA Status and Configuration
7-10 Configuring SNA Ports
Changing SDLC PU Subscriber Values
To edit the values assigned to each SDLC PU Subscriber:
1. If you wish to modify an existing entry, be sure that entry is highlighted in the
list box portion of the window.
2. Enter and/or edit the values displayed in the text boxes, as desired.
(Remember, some values which are settable from this window must mirror
values configured elsewhere; be sure these values match as necessary.)
3. Click on to create a new entry, or on to edit the entry
currently selected in the list box.
Applying Port-level Changes
After you have made any port-level conÞguration changes, your changes will not
take effect until you have done an on-line update. To do so:
1. Click mouse button 3 on the port you have been configuring to display the Port
2. Drag down to On-line Update and release.
SDLC PU LLC2 Configuration
If SDLC-LLC2 conversion will be performed on the PU connection, you must
conÞgure the PU LLC2 parameters. You can use the SDLC LLC2 ConÞguration
window to deÞne PUs. (If the PU is not part of an SDLC-LLC2 connection, you do
not have to conÞgure these parameters.)
To access the window:
1. Click mouse button 3 on the SNA port of interest to display the Port menu.
2. Drag down to SDLC PU LLC2 Configuration, and release. The SDLC LLC2
Configuration window, Figure 7-3, will appear.