Speed Dial Configuration 12-5
SmartSwitch 1800 Voice Configuration
Minimum Voice Rate
This Þeld speciÞes the minimum operating rate (in bits per second) of all voice
channels when congestion occurs. The default value for this parameter is 4800
Maximum Voice Rate
This Þeld speciÞes the maximum operating digitization rate (in bits per second) of
all voice channels. The default value for this parameter is 64000 bps.
Changing Parameter Values
You can edit the values in any Þeld which provides a text box or menu button
selection; to do so:
1. To edit a text field, remove the existing value and enter the new value.
2. To edit a field with a menu button, click on the button to display a list of
options, then drag down to select the option you want.
3. Click on to save your changes.
Speed Dial Configuration
The Voice Speed Dial ConÞguration window contains the dial numbers (similar to
telephone numbers) that can be used to call remote devices. The table associates
each of these numbers (called long-dial numbers) with a shorter (usually)
speed-dial number that can be used to call the device, as well as any conÞgured
extended-dial digits that will be forwarded by the device.
To access the window:
1. Click on to display the Device menu.
2. Drag down to Voice Speed Dial Configuration, and release. The Voice
Speed Dial Configuration window, Figure 12-2, will appear.
After you have made system-level changes (such as conÞguring voice parameters), you
must apply those changes by rebooting the FRX or SmartSwitch 1800 device, or through
console management via the [F7] command.