Configuring IPX Interfaces 10-5
IPX Interface Configuration
LAN Card
If you speciÞed a LAN Interface Type, this number identiÞes the LAN card that
contains the IPX interface. Enter 0 for the FRX4000 or SmartSwitch 1800; 0 or 1 for
the FRX6000.
Source Subscriber
This parameter is only conÞgurable if you have selected X.25 as your Interface
Type. This is the Subscriber ID that deÞnes an IPX interface in the node, by
associating itself with port 66, a number reserved for the IPX interface.
A subscriber ID is an address of up to 15 digits. This address must also be
conÞgured in the Subscriber Table (see Chapter 4, ConÞguring the Subscriber
Destination Subscriber
This parameter is only conÞgurable if you have selected X.25 as your Interface
Type. This is the Subscriber ID associated with the physical X.25 port that will be
used for the IPX interface.
A subscriber ID is an address of up to 15 digits. This address must also be
conÞgured in the Subscriber Table (see Chapter 4, ConÞguring the Subscriber
SVC Retry Timer
This parameter is only conÞgurable if you have selected X.25 as your Interface
Type. It speciÞes the time (in seconds) between calls that are placed to try to
establish an X.25 connection.The default value for this parameter is 20.
SVC Idle Timer
This parameter is only conÞgurable if you have selected X.25 as your Interface
Type. It speciÞes the amount of time (in minutes) that an IPX connection can
remain active with no trafÞc, before the connection is cleared. The default value
for this parameter is 1.
Blocked Flag
This value will cause the port to be enabled (if No) or disabled (if Yes) when the
device is powered up or re-booted. Whichever state is selected, the port will
remain in that state until this value is changed or until an enable or disable action
is performed. The default value for this parameter is No.
Bandwidth allocation groups cannot currently be conÞgured via SPMA; for more
information on conÞguring these groups, see your FRX or SmartSwitch 1800 hardware