Procedure Breakdown
❖ Date and time when scan is performed
Date and time information is in-
serted to the second line of an e-
mail body, in the following format.
e/Second/Offset from GMT”
❒ You can set time and date using
Sec)] in [2.Send Scan Settings] un-
der the Scanner Features menu.
❒ “Offset from GMT” shows the
time offset from Greenwich
Mean Time. You can specify this
setting by using [Configuration]
→ [Basic Settings] → [Scanner] →
[Time Zone] on the Web Status
❖ Contact information
When [Sender's Name Default] (in-
cluded under [Configuration] → [E-
mail Settings] on the Web Status
Monitor) is set to “ Administrator's
Address ”, the registered adminis-
trator’s e-mail address is inserted
to the third line of an e-mail body,
as a contact representative.
When [Sender's Name Default] is set
to “ No ” and administrator’s ad-
dress is not registered, the contact
information is omitted.