About the e-mail address information
The following example shows a set of values that constitute an e-mail address
record. When you edit a CSV file for updating the address book data of this ma-
chine, insert a line that is formatted in the following way per an e-mail address
record into the file.
❖ [00015] : Program No.
Indicates the number for the e-mail address.
❖ [A] : Type
The value of this item is fixed to "A". "A" indicates the e-mail address type is
❖ [Edward] : Name
Indicates the e-mail address owner (user) name.
❖ [Edward] : Key Display
Indicates the name to appear on the control panel.
❖ [0] : Frequently Used Title(s)
Determines whether the e-mail address information is to be registered to the
[Freq.] title.
[0] : Registered [1] : Not registered
❖ [1] : Title1
This item is used only when you select “Japanese” as the display language of
this machine.
❖ [2] : Alphabet (Title2)
Determines under which alphabetical title this e-mail address record belongs
Title2 Convention:
For example, [2] indicates “DEF” is selected for the alphabetical title of this
❖ [3] : Custom Title (Title3)
Determines under which Custom Title this e-mail address record belongs to.
Title3 Convention:
For example, [3] indicates “03” is selected for the Custom Title of this record.
❖ [] : E-mail Address
Indicates the destination's e-mail address.
Example of an e-mail address record:
[00015], [A], [Edward], [Edward], [0], [1], [2], [3], [], [1], [TExMTA==], [] []