21264/EV68A Hardware Reference Manual
Internal Processor Registers 5–31
Mbox IPRs
Figure 5–33 Dcache Control Register
Table 5–20 describes the Dcache control register fields.
5.3.11 Dcache Status Register – DC_STAT
The Dcache status register (DC_STAT) is a read-write register. If a Dcache tag parity
error or data ECC error occurs, information about the error is latched in this register.
Figure 5–34 shows the Dcache status register.
Table 5–20 Dcache Control Register Fields Description
Name Extent Type Description
Reserved [63:8] — —
DCDAT_ERR_EN [7] WO,0 Dcache data ECC and parity error enable.
DCTAG_PAR_EN [6] WO,0 Dcache tag parity enable.
F_BAD_DECC [5] WO,0 Force Bad Data ECC. When set, ECC data is not written into
the cache along with the block that is loaded by a fill or store.
Writing data that is different from that already in the block will
cause bad ECC to be present. Since the old ECC value will
remain, the ECC will be bad.
F_BAD_TPAR [4] WO,0 Force Bad Tag Parity. When set, this bit causes bad tag parity to
be put into the Dcache tag array during Dcache fill operations.
Reserved [3] — —
F_HIT [2] WO,0 Force Hit. When set, this bit causes all memory space load and
store instructions to hit in the Dcache, independent of the
Dcache tag address compare. F_HIT does not force the status of
the block to register as DIRTY (the tag status bits are still con-
sulted), so stores may still generate offchip activity.
In this mode, only one of the two sets may be enabled, and tag
parity checking must be disabled (set DCTAG_PER_EN to
SET_EN[1:0] [1:0] WO,3 Dcache Set Enable. At least one set must be enabled.
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