Dell 56F Switch User Manual

4-4 Installation and Troubleshooting Guide
In addition, six communities and respective trap recipients are supported by the
agent. The first three communities are for read-write rw access and the last three
are for read-only ro access.
The factory default value for the trap recipient of each community is The fac-
tory default values for the community strings are:
Secret Code
Fibre Channel
NOTE: For an SNMP Management Station to receive a trap generated by the agent,
the administrator must configure a trap recipient value to correspond to the Internet
Protocol (IP) address of the Management Station.
The agtcfgSet command sets the SNMP agent configuration to a Fiber Channel
switch, as shown in the following example. The command fields are described in
Tabl e 4 -2.
NOTE: A management platforms IP address must be configured as a trap recipient to
enable discovery by that management platform. HP OpenView Network Node Man-
ager Special Edition (NNM SE) 3.0 and later have management information base (MIB)
and autodiscovery support for the switch.
authTraps authenticationFailure (the authentication trap) is transmitted
to the configured trap recipient in the event the agent
received a protocol message that is not properly
authenticated. In the context of SNMPv1 and SNMPv2c,
this means that a request that contains a community string
is not known to the agent. The default value for this parame-
ter is 0 (disabled).
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