4-36 Installation and Troubleshooting Guide
lastUpTime Last time this interface came up.
downCount Number of times this interface went down
lastDownTime Last time this interface went down
downReason Reason (SCN) for the interface going down
iState The current interface state; it must be operational for the ISL
to forward frames to the adjacent switch
state The current state of the neighbor; its value must be NB_ST_FULL
for the ISL to forward frames to the adjacent switch
nghbCap Neighbor capabilities; currently always 0
nghbId The domain ID of the neighbor (adjacent) switch
idbNo The port number; it should be equal to ifNo
remPort The port number on the remote switch connected to this port
inactTo The inactivity time out, in milliseconds (ms); when this timeout
expires, the adjacency with the neighbor switch is considered
broken; when that happens, new paths are computed to all the
possible destination switches in the fabric
helloTo The Hello timeout; when this timeout expires, a Hello frame is
sent to the neighbor switch through this port
rXmitTo The retransmit timeout; it is used to reliably transmit topology
information to the neighbor switch; if an acknowledgment is not
received within rXmitTo, a frame is retransmitted
nCmdAcc The total number of commands accepted from the neighbor
switch; it includes Hellos, Link State Updates and Link State
nInvCmd The number of invalid commands received from the neighbor
switch; these are commands with a version higher than the one
running on the local switch; the current version is 1 and there is no
version 0
nHloIn The number of Hello frames received from the neighbor switch
nInvHlo The number of Hello frames with invalid parameters received from
the neighbor switch