4-38 Installation and Troubleshooting Guide
The LSDbShow command displays domain Link State Database entries. The data-
base record for any fabric switch can be displayed from any switch. It also gives the
same information regardless of switch used to run it (unless there is a database
update in progress, which occurs every 30 minutes in a stable network).
Every switch keeps a database of topology information associated with itself and the
other fabric switches. The topology information for a switch consists of all neighbors
that are in NB_ST_FULL state and the associated port numbers.
This replicated database remains in sync at all times, so that every switch in the fabric
has the same topology view. The topology database, in turn, is used to compute the
path from a switch to all other fabric switches.
With no parameters, the command shows all the Link State Records in the database.
The fields are described in Table 4-23.
The command syntax is 2#3#6B.
Table 4-23 describes LSDbShow command fields.
self Indicates that domain 1 is the local switch’s domain ID.
installTime This is the database entry for domain 1. The installTime is the
time when this database record was installed in milliseconds
from boot. Values are in hexadecimal and decimal format.
lsAge The record age in seconds since installation time. Records are
refreshed throughout the fabric every 30 minutes, and this value
should never exceed 3600. When lsAge reaches the value 1800,
the record is flushed from the fabric if the switch that is
described by the LSR is functioning and is connected to the
options Options is currently set to 0.
lsId The record’s Link State ID, equal to the switch’s domain ID as
described by the record.
incarn The incarnation number. When a record is refreshed, every
30 minutes, its incarnation number is incremented by 1. If data in
the record changes (for example, if an E_Port on a switch goes
offline), the switch described by that record issues a new
instance, and increments the incarnation number by 1.
length The total record length.
chksum The record checksum. It includes all fields except lsAge.