Dell 56F Switch User Manual

4-30 Installation and Troubleshooting Guide
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switchName The switch name
switchType Model number and system board revision level; the model
number is as follows:
1 = PowerVault 50F
2 = Reserved
3 = PowerVault 51F/56F
switchState The state of this switch: online, offline, testing or faulty
switchRole There are three possibilities for switchRole including:
Principle The principal switch as defined in FC-SW
Subordinate This switch is enabled and is a subordi-
nate switch
Disabled The switch is disabled
switchDomain The domain ID of this switch: 0 to 31 or 1 to 239
switchID The domain ID of this switch's embedded port: hex fffc00 to
switchWwn The WWN of this switch; the WWN is a unique identifier for
each switch and is assigned by the manufacturer: a numbering
scheme administrated globally ensures that this WWN is
unique to each switch
Port Number One line per port is printed after the switch summary; each
line shows the port number: 0 to 15, the GBIC type, the port
state and a comment field
GBIC type The GBIC type follows the port number; the five GBIC types
-- No GBIC present
Shortwave GBIC
Longwave GBIC
Copper GBIC
Serial ID