UM1M820BNA User Instructions
Issue AH, March 4, 2013 Spec No. 1M820BNA (Model M820B)
Spec No. 1M820DNA (Model M820D)
50 Chapter 2. Operation
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Full Alarm Name - WEB
Alarm Name - LCD)
Battery Current Limit
(Ov Batt Cur Lmt)
Battery current limit point is exceeded.
Battery Over Current
(Batt Over Curr)
Battery is in over current.
Low Battery Capacity
(Low Batt Cap)
Battery has low capacity.
SMDU Battery Alarms (SM-DU Module must be present in system)
(SMDU Battery)
Exceed Current Limit
(Exceed Curr Lmt)
Battery current limit point is exceeded.
Over Battery Current
(Over Current)
Battery is in over current.
Low Capacity
(Low Capacity)
Battery has low capacity.
EIB (Extended Interface Board) Battery Alarms (EIB Board must be present in system)
(EIB Battery)
Battery Current Limit
(Ov Bat Curr Lmt)
Battery current limit point is exceeded.
Battery Over Current
(Bat Over Curr)
Battery is in over current.
Battery Low Capacity
(Low Batt Cap)
Battery has low capacity.
SM Battery Alarms (SM-BAT Module must be present in system)
(SM Battery)
Exceed Batt Current Limit
(Over Curr Limit)
Battery is in over current.
Over Battery Current
(Over Batt Curr)
Battery Leakage
(Battery Leakage)
Battery has leakage current.
Low Acid Level
(Low Acid Level)
Battery has low acid level.