Paper roll Panel button command ESC c 5
Ver. 10.01 p. 157
[Model-dependent variations] TM-J2000/J2100, TM-T90, TM-T88III, TM-L90, TM-L60II, TM-P60, TM-U230,
TM-U220, TM-U210, TM-U300A/B
The panel button is FEED.
When the roll paper end sensor detects a paper end, the FEED button is enabled regardless of the
setting of this command. Even if the switch is pressed, paper cannot be fed.
When the cover is open or the roll paper end sensor detects a paper end, the FEED button is
disabled regardless of the settings of this command.
The panel button is FEED.
When the PAPER OUT LED flashes with executing macro function, the FEED button is enabled
regardless of the setting of this command. Even if the switch is pressed, paper cannot be fed.
When the cover is open or the roll paper end sensor detects a paper end, the FEED button is
disabled regardless of the settings of this command.
The panel button is FEED.
When the PAPER OUT LED flashes with executing macro function, the FEED button is enabled
regardless of the setting of this command. Even if the switch is pressed, paper cannot be fed.
When the cover is open or the roll paper end sensor detects a paper end, the FEED button is
disabled regardless of the settings of this command.
Program Example for all printers
PRINT #1, CHR$(&H1B);"c5";CHR$(1); ← Disable panel buttons