Paper roll Bit-image commands FS p
Ver. 10.01 p. 210
These printers support the graphics functions of GS(L/GS8 L. It is recommended that
GS(L /GS8 L be used.
Values of [Dot density] and [Maximum print area (dot)] are the same as the graphic function. (See
Function 69 of GS ( L/GS 8 L.)
This printer supports functions concerning NV graphics by GS ( L / GS 8 L. It is recommended that
NV graphics function (GS (L / GS 8 L) be used on this printer.
Modes that can be specified and the magnification of the print result are as follows:
Values of [Dot density] and [Maximum print area (dot)] are the same as the graphic function. (See
Function 69 of GS(L/GS8L.)
Horizontal Vertical
0, 48 Normal One time One time
1, 49 Double-width Two times One time
2, 50 Double-height One time Two times
3, 51 Quadruple Two times Two times