Epson TM-T90 Printer User Manual

Paper roll Two-dimension code commands GS ( k
Ver. 10.01 p. 524
GS ( k <Function 081>
[Name] PDF417: Print the symbol data in the symbol storage area
[Format] ASCII GS ( k
pL pH cn fn m
Hex 1D 28 6B
03 00 30 51 m
Decimal 2940107
3 0 48 81 m
[Range] (
× 256) = 3 (
= 0)
= 48
= 81
= 48
[Description] Encodes and prints the PDF417 symbol data in the symbol storage area using the process of <Function 080>.
In standard mode, use this function when printer is “at the beginning of a line,” or “there is no data in the
print buffer.”
A symbol that size exceeds the print area cannot be printed.
If there is any error described below in the data of the symbol storage area, it cannot be printed.
There is no data (Function 080 is not processed).
If [(number of columns × number of rows) < number of codeword] when auto processing is specified for
number of columns and number of rows.
Number of codeword exceeds 928 in the data area.
The following data are added automatically by the encode processing.
Start pattern and stop pattern
Indicator codeword of left and right
The descriptor of symbol length (the first codeword in the data area)
The error correction codeword calculated by modulus 929
Pad codeword