© 2004-2007 DH Instruments, a Fluke Company Page 36
When RPM4 is initialized as an external device to a PPC3 pressure controller, the RPM4
front panel keypad is locked out and the second line of the display becomes:
<PPC3 EXT DEV: IDLE> (if RPM4 is initialized by PPC3 but not currently in use)
<PPC3 EXT DEV: ACTIVE> (if RPM4 is initialized by PPC3 and is currently in use)
After using an RPM4 as an external device for a PPC3, cycle power to return to the
previous RPM4 settings, restore front keypad capability and return to the normal main
run screen. AVG (AVERAGE)
To activate the Average DISPLAY and/or adjust the period of time over which
averaging occurs.
See Section 3.3.6. Principle.
To access the Average DISPLAY, press [DISPLAY], <1Avg>. The display is:
1. Edit field for averaging period in seconds.
Default is 20. Minimum 1, maximum 999.
Averaging Period:
20 s
Edit the averaging time period if desired. Pressing [ENT] returns to the main run
screen with the Average DISPLAY active.
With the Average DISPLAY active the main run screen is:
1. Average measured over last completed
averaging period.
2. Standard deviation of last completed
averaging period.
3. Countdown in seconds until completion of on-
going averaging period.
96.929 kPa a Hi
δ 0.0007 18Avg
The Average DISPLAY has a second screen that allows the instantaneous
pressure readings to be viewed while an averaging cycle is running.
The instantaneous Average screen is:
1. Instantaneous pressure values at RPM4’s
normal update rate.
2. Current rate of change of pressure in pressure
3. Countdown in seconds until completion of on-
going averaging period.
96.929 kPa a Hi
R 0.0025 18Avg
The [+/-] key toggles between the main run Average screen and the
instantaneous values Average screen.