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3.5.4 <4SDS>
To open and close SDS temporarily for the Hi or Lo Q-RPT or to turn the SDS function ON
and OFF full time for the Hi or Lo Q-RPT.
See Section 3.2.7 for complete information on RPM4’s SDS (Self Defense System) feature.
SDS is a self defense system to protect RPM4 Q-RPTs from overpressure (see Section 3.2.7).
Normally, opening and closing SDS is performed automatically by the RPM4 or by the
operator using the [SDS] key.
[SPECIAL], <4SDS> gives further control over the SDS function. This includes:
a) the possibility of temporarily opening or closing SDS on either the Hi or Lo Q-RPT (see
Section, and; b) turning OFF SDS so that it is open full time and RPM4 can be
operated as if SDS were not installed (see Section
The temporary opening or closing of SDS allows the SDS open/closed state to be set
immediately to the desired state. Following the change, normal automated operation of SDS
and control using the [SDS] key is still valid. This function is often used to open SDS on the
inactive Q-RPT in PRM4s with dual Q-RPTs.
Setting the SDS function to full time OFF eliminates the SDS function completely until is set
to full time ON again. <1TEMP OPEN/CLOSE>
See Section 3.2.7 for complete information on RPM4’s SDS (Self Defense
System) feature.
To temporarily open or close the SDS of the Hi or Lo Q-RPT press [SPECIAL],
<4SDS>, <1temp open/close>. If the RPM4 has two Q-RPTs and both have
SDS, the Q-RPT must then be selected. The next display is:
The cursor is on the current state of SDS for the
designated Q-RPT. Select <1close> to close
SDS or <2open> to open SDS and return to the
MAIN RUN screen. [ESC] to return without
making changes.
SDS temporary: Hi
1close 2open
If <2open> is selected and SDS for the Q-RPT is not already open, the SDS
opening screen with indication of the maximum pressure of the Q-RPT is displayed.
This is the same screen used when opening SDS using the [SDS] key (see
Section 3.3.8). Check that the pressure applied to the Q-RPT module TEST(+)
port does not exceed the Pmax! value before confirming that SDS should be opened.
Opening SDS with a pressure greater than Pmax! applied to the test port
may cause overpressure damage to the Q-RPT.