LanProbe Specifications
Table B-7: LanProbe Memory Allocation
Parameter 16MB 32MB
Host table size 49,000 102,000
Maximum number of RMON MIB TopN studies 12 12
Maximum entries per TopN study
(e.g., top 50 nodes)
11,000 25,000
Maximum traffic matrix table size 80,000 169,000
Maximum number of history studies 12 12
Total number of history buckets for all studies 76,000 159,000
Network layer host table size 68,000 143,000
Network layer traffic matrix table size 29,000 62,500
Application layer host table size 119,000 250,000
Application layer traffic matrix table size 61,000 127,000
Maximum entries per RMON-2 TopN Study 105,000 221,000
Maximum entries per RMON-2 address map 105,000 221,000
Maximum number of alarms 11,000 24,000
Maximum number of events 74,000 155,000
Log table entries 1,024 1,024
Maximum number of filters 32 32
Maximum number of channels 32 32
Maximum number of packet capture buffers 32 32
Trace buffer packet capacity N/A N/A
Trace buffer octet capacity 4-14MB 8-30MB
Maximum number of community names in
Community Access Table
20 20
Maximum number of IP address entries in
Client Table
20 20
Maximum number of trap destination entries
(Agilent private MIB)
30 30
Maximum SLIP connection entries 20 20
Maximum single shot ping 20 20
Maximum list pings 100 100