Connecting the Probe
Verify that the Modem Init String is properly initialized for the attached modem
by referencing the modem’s documentation. The probe’s default modem
initialization string is configured to work with low-speed and medium-speed
Hayes compatible modems. The following modem settings are recommended for
low-speed to medium-speed modem connections:
Modem Flow Control: Off
Data Compression (if applicable): Off
Error Correction (if applicable): Off
Not all Hayes commands are the same for all Hayes-compatible modems. Refer
to your modem’s documentation to determine the commands required for each of
the above settings and append these commands to the end of the default Modem
Init String.
Your modem’s documentation discusses the features that are relevant to your
modem. If your modem does not support a feature (data compression, for
example), you do not need to turn it off in the Modem Init String.
Some modems require you to set register values explicitly, rather than sending
Hayes style commands. In this case, follow your modem’s documentation to set
these registers.
If you are using a high-speed modem, you probably need to modify the default
modem initialization string. The following modem settings are recommended for
high-speed modem connections:
Modem Flow Control: Hardware Flow Control (RTS/CTS signaling)
Carrier Detect: Always On
Data Compression: Enabled
Error Correction: Enabled
After appending the appropriate commands to the modem initialization string,
warm start your LanProbe.
Refer to your NetMetrix documentation for information on how to establish
communications with LanProbe over the SLIP link.