Bootp Server Configuration
Bootp Server Setup on an HP or Sun System
Starting the Bootp Server on an HP or Sun System
You can start the Bootp server on an HP or Sun system in one of the following
ways. Refer to “Configuring the Bootptab File” on page 65 if you need to
configure the bootptab file.
Bootp for Solaris is shipped on the NetMetrix CD-ROM but it is not part of the
operating system.
. Become superuser and give one of the following commands:
/etc/bootpd -s for HP-UX v. 9.x
/usr/lbin/bootpd -s for HP-UX v. 10.x & 11.x
/usr/netm/sun4s/bootpd -s for Solaris
. Become superuser and use the following procedure:
1. Edit the file /etc/inetd.conf. Search for a line like the following and
ensure that the line is uncommented (does not contain a # character). If
necessary, add the line to the file.
bootps dgram udp wait root path/bootpd bootpd
Where path is one of the following:
/etc for HP-UX v. 9.x
/usr/lbin for HP-UX v. 10.x & 11.x
/usr/netm/sun4s for Solaris
, give one of the following commands to force inetd to re-read
the inetd.conf file that you modified in Step 1 on page 57:
/etc/inetd -c for HP-UX v. 9.x
/usr/sbin/inetd -c for HP-UX v. 10.x & 11.x