0031-029 0031-040
0031-029 Caught signal
), sending to tasks...
Explanation: The indicated signal is not used specifically by Partition Manager, and is
being passed on to each remote task.
User Response: Verify that the signal was intended.
0031-031 task
is alive
Explanation: The message is sent from the indicated task in response to signal SIGUSR2.
User Response: Verify that the signal was intended.
0031-032 exiting...
Explanation: The message is sent from the indicated task in response to signal SIGINT,
and the remote node is exiting.
User Response: Verify that the signal was intended.
0031-033 Your application has forced paging space to be exceeded...bailing out.
Explanation: The remote node exits with signal SIGDANGER. The message is sent from
the indicated task in response to signal SIGDANGER. AIX is running out of paging space.
0031-034 task signal
Explanation: The message is sent from the indicated task in response to the indicated
signal, which is not handled explicitly by the Partition Manager.
User Response: Verify that the signal was intended.
0031-036 sigaction(SIGHUP)
Explanation: An explanatory sentence follows. The Partition Manager terminates.
Cause: The return from sigaction for the indicated signal is negative.
0031-037 sigaction(SIGINT)
Explanation: An explanatory sentence follows. The Partition Manager terminates.
Cause: The return from sigaction for the indicated signal is negative.
0031-038 sigaction(SIGQUIT)
Explanation: An explanatory sentence follows. The Partition Manager terminates.
Cause: The return from sigaction for the indicated signal is negative.
0031-039 sigaction(SIGILL)
Explanation: An explanatory sentence follows. The Partition Manager terminates.
Cause: The return from sigaction for the indicated signal is negative.
0031-040 sigaction(SIGTRAP)
Explanation: An explanatory sentence follows. The Partition Manager terminates.
Cause: The return from sigaction for the indicated signal is negative.
Chapter 4. POE Messages 53