Terminal Emulation Menu Screens
6400 Hand-Held Computer User’s Guide
pressed.) When using Tok en Ring on your host, the tab key
also unlocks the keyboard.
Enabling Auto Tab Scan causes the cursor to tab forward to
the next input field whenever a good scan is obtained.
Enabling Auto Entr Scan actuates the
whenever a good scan is obtained.
Enabling Emulate 3210 allows your 3270 keyboard to emu-
late a 3210 terminal.
Telnet allows for the handling of telnet option negotiations
to establish a session with an appropriate telnet server.
This can not be changed if you are using 6400 TCP/IP.
Origin Set w hen enabled, will reset the screen origin when
an exclamation mark is found in the data stream.
To enable these options:
1. Press
to enable the Keyboard Unlock option.
to enable the Auto Tab Scan option.
to enable the Auto Entr Scan option.
to enable 3210 Emulation option.
to enable the Telnet option.
to enable the Origin setting.
Auto Tab Scan and Auto Entr Scan cannot be enabled at the same
2. Press
to return to the Protocol Options menu
3210 Emulation
The Intermec 3210 emulation option causes your radio
hand-held computer to perform the same functions as the
RT3210 hand-held computer. For full 3210 compatibility:
you must disable buffering the keyboard, set cursor to lazy
mode, and set the LCD Parms to Key Uppercase.
After enabling the desired 3270 options, press the
key to return to the Protocol Opts menu.