Chapter 5---Troubleshooting
Model 330, 340SC, and 370SC Service Manual 5-6
Resetting the Projector
The projector’s processor must be reset if a break (trap) condition occurs. The
processor can be reset by either of the following methods:
1. Cycle main power off, then back on (allow ten minutes
for Arc Lamp to cool).
2. Press the reset button (labeled S1) located at the top center
of the SCB.
Break (Trap) Data from the Diagnostics Menu
After resetting the projector, retrieve the break (trap) data from the diagnostics
menu by performing these steps:
1. Access MAIN MENU and select #4 (DIAGNOSTICS MENU).
2. Select #7—this is an invisible menu item.
3. Press ENTER to clear the displayed break (trap) data.
Break (trap) data is displayed in the format as indicated in Table 5-4.
Table 5-4
Break (Trap) Data Code Displays
Code Description
Description per list in the LED display errors above.
Program counter value-program location when trap occurred.
Status register value.
Instruction register value.
Access address.
R/W, I/N and FC flags and values.
Use a Service Report to write down all the break (trap) data. The service report
will be analyzed by a Hughes-JVC technician to determine the problem.