Chapter 2—Functional Descriptions
2-68 Model 330. 340SC, and 370SC Service Manual
Raster Timing Generator
Data line for transferring the following data (I = input, 0 =
output). The input data are associated with an interrupt pulse.
O Priority Select
I /Sync Select
I Internal Sync
I Horizontal Count
I /Phase Lock
O Vertical Flyback Start Delay
O Map Start Delay
OL Blank
OR Blank
OU Blank
OD Blank
O DC Restore Delay
I Phase Count
I Correction Delay
I Pincushion Start Delay
Interrupt used to tell the SCB that the RTG has data to report.
Timing pulse Indicating the beginning of a frame. Used in the
SCB for counting vertical frequency. (TP5)
Signal used to start the correction and overlay address counters
during each vertical sweep. (TP12)
Clock pulse at 112 times the horizontal frequency. Used for
convergence and Z-axis correction map generation. (TP20)
Square wave signal 224 times the horizontal frequency for
overlay map generation, horizontal map correction start, left
and right blanking, DC restore, and other timing functions.
TTL level indicating which field of an interlaced frame (Low if
non-interlaced. (TP8)
Signal used to start the convergence and overlay address
generators during each horizontal sweep. (TP4)
Indicates when input source signal is interlaced. (TP2)
Regenerated vertical sync signal, pulse-shaped to 3 horizontal
lines in width. (TP21)