Apple/Macintosh Environments
July 1998 9-3
9.2 Configuring Macintosh Systems for Printing
You should verify that this platform is supported for printing to your printer
or proofer. Refer to the user guides and Readme files that came with your
unit for information about installing software to support PostScript and
raster mode printing, calibration, and so on. If necessary, refer to
Appendix E,
Technical Assistance.
• Install the Kodak-developed PostScript driver for Macintosh for printing
when the printer is in PostScript mode.
• Install the Kodak - Adobe PhotoShop Export Module for Macintosh for
printing (exporting) when the printer is in raster mode.
Note: Check your printer Readme files for notes about your printer.
9.3 Contents of NIC Utilities for Macintosh Diskette
Note: These Macintosh utilities work only with a Kodak printer in
PostScript mode (LaserWriter). For Kodak printers that are raster
ONLY, use Telnet or utilities for Windows or Unix platforms.
The Macintosh Utilities diskette contains the following files. Copy the
contents to your hard drive.
• ! IMPORTANT!—provides important details that an administrator
MUST be aware of. It also includes steps for verifying that your printer
and NIC are functional on your network.
• Read Me—provides an overview of configuration procedures.
• Namer—can be used to modify the AppleTalk name that the printer
(NIC) will use to advertise itself over the network. This is the printer
name you will see in the Chooser.
You may wish to rename the printer from its unique Network Interface
Card identifier (“KDxxxxxx” where “xxxxxx” is the last 6 digits of the
Ethernet hardware address) to a name more descriptive of the printer.
Note: To modify the AppleTalk name, you must use the Namer utility.
• Apple Printer Utility—can be used to download NIC and printer
configuration files after they have been edited to reflect your network