Paper Menu
Use the Paper Menu to define the paper loaded in each paper tray and the default paper source and output
Note: Values marked by an asterisk (*) are the factory default settings.
Menu Item Purpose Values
Assign Type/
To send print jobs to a specific output
bin based on the requested paper
Note: If a user-defined name is
available, it is displayed instead of
Custom <x> Bin. The name is
truncated to 14 characters. If two or
more bins share the same name, the
name only appears once in the Assign
Type/Bin value list.
Plain Paper Bin
Card Stock Bin
Transparency Bin
Glossy Paper Bin
Labels Bin
Bond Bin
Envelope Bin
Letterhead Bin
Preprinted Bin
Colored Bin
Custom <x> Bin (where <x> represents 1 through 6)
To determine which output bin(s) the
printer uses for a particular job.
Mailbox* Sends print jobs to the output bin
designated for that user.
Link Links two or more bins together as
though they were one large bin. When
one linked bin is full, the printer starts
filling the next linked bin, and
continues with each additional linked
Mail Overflow Sends print jobs to the output bin
designated for that user until it is full,
and then sends jobs to the designated
overflow bin.
Link Optional Links all optional output bins as though
they were one large bin, while leaving
the standard bin individually
Sends each job to the output bin
specified for that paper type.