Printing from a USB flash memory device
A USB direct interface is located on the control panel so you can insert a USB flash memory device
and print the following types of documents:
• Portable Document Format (PDF) [.pdf file]
• Joint Photographic Experts Group (JPEG) [.jpeg or .jpg file]
• Tagged Image File Format (TIFF) [.tiff or .tif file]
• Graphics Interchange Format (GIF) [.gif file]
• Basic Multilingual Plane (BMP) [.bmp file]
• Portable Network Graphics (PNG) [.png file]
• PiCture eXchange (PCX) [.pcx file]
• PC Paintbrush File Format [.dcx file].
Printing a document from a USB flash memory device is similar to printing a held job.
Note: You cannot print encrypted files or files without printing permissions.
We recommend using the following tested and approved USB flash memory devices in the 256 MB,
512 MB, and 1 GB sizes:
• Lexar JumpDrive 2.0 Pro
• SanDisk Cruzer Mini
Other USB flash memory devices must:
• Be compatible with the USB 2.0 standard.
• Support the Full-Speed standard as well.
Devices only supporting USB low speed capabilities are not supported.
• Use the FAT file system.
Devices formatted with NTFS or any other file systems are not supported.