4-12 Firmware User Guide
■ Toggle Answer ATMP/PPTP Connections to Yes if you want the router to accept VPN connections or No
(the default) if you do not.
■ For PPTP tunnel connections only, you must define what type of authentication these connections will use.
Select Receive Authentication and press Return. A pop-up menu offers the following options: PAP (the
default), CHAP, or MS-CHAP.
■ If you chose PAP or CHAP authentication, from the Data Compression pop-up menu select either None (the
default) or Standard LZS.
If you chose MS-CHAP authentication, the Data Compression option is not required, and this menu item
becomes hidden.
ATMP/PPTP Default Profile
Answer ATMP/PPTP Connections: No
PPTP Configuration Options
Receive Authentication... PAP
Data Compression... None