7-8 Firmware User Guide
■ From the Dial pop-up menu, you can choose whether to Dial Out Only, Dial In Only, or Dial In/Out (default).
■ You can add the Number to Dial and an Alternate Site to Dial, if available.
■ You can toggle Dial on Demand to Yes or No. This allows the router to determine whether or not to dial the
backup number when there is traffic that needs to be transmitted or received.
■ You can set the Idle Timeout (seconds) to tear down the connection after some specified period of
■ You can also toggle Callback to No or Yes. In most cases, since this is a backup connection, you can leave
this set to the default No.
Using Scheduled Connections with Backup
The backup link is a PPP dial-up connection and only connects to the Internet service provider when traffic is
initiated from the LAN. If you want to use the backup link to provide redundancy for services, such as a Web
service that you provide to the outside world, you must force the connection to stay up. You do this by creating
a scheduled connection entry that will be a permanent “forced up” connection for the backup port. The backup
port will be activated upon primary WAN link failure and remain active until primary WAN link recovery.
To configure a Scheduled Connection, from the Main Menu select WAN Configuration and then Scheduled
Telco Options
Dial... Dial In/Out
Number to Dial:
Alternate Site to Dial:
Dial on Demand: Yes
Idle Timeout (seconds): 300
Callback: No
WAN Configuration
Menu Connections