Netopia 4000-Series Network Router User Manual

Security 10-7
User access password
Users must be able to change their names and passwords, regardless of other security access restrictions.
If a user does not have security access, then they will only be able to modify the password for their account.
When a limited-access user logs into the router. and accesses the System Configuration menus, the only
Security option displayed is Change Access Password.
Selecting this option displays the Change Access Password screen.
When changing a password, you will be challenged to enter it again to be sure you have entered it correctly.
System Configuration
IP Setup...
Filter Sets...
IP Address Serving...
Network Address Translation (NAT)...
Date and Time...
Console Configuration...
Change Access Password...
Upgrade Feature Set...
Use this screen if you want options beyond Easy Setup.
Change Access Password
New Password:
Return accepts * ESC cancels * Left/Right moves insertion point * Del deletes.