Optiquest iRIS 220 Switch User Manual

iRIS 220 / iRIS 320, V1.19 User Guide
4.3.4 GPRS/CDMA-1X Cfg (Level 3)
The GPRS/CDMA-1X set-up menu is for configuring the specific GPRS/CDMA-1X connection settings.
0 Exit
1 APN [iquest.co.nz] (for GPRS) - Reserved – (for CDMA)
2 LogIn [,]
3 Skt A IP []
4 Skt A Port [7778]
5 Skt B IP []
6 Skt B Port [7777]
7 IP Acceptance
8 Schedule
9 Network Info
Option 0
Select this option to return to the Comms Cfg menu.
Option 1
When this option is selected you will be prompted to enter a GPRS APN (Access Point Name). This option
is not applicable for CDMA - the menu entry will be – Reserved - and this choice will be ignored.
> APN=
Enter the name of the APN allocated by your GPRS network provider (e.g. iquest.co.nz).
Option 2
This option is where the GPRS/CDMA-1X login parameters (user name and password) are configured.
When this option is selected you will be prompted firstly to enter a user name, then a password. Many
providers do not require any login credentials, in which case these parameters should be set to empty.
Press Esc then Enter to enter an empty string.
> User Name=
Enter the user name required by your GPRS/CDMA-1X network provider.
> Password=
Enter the password required by your GPRS/CDMA-1X network provider.
Option 3
When this option is selected you will be prompted to enter an IP address to use for socket A. The iRIS uses
Socket A for ASCII communication. This is the destination IP address used for unsolicited ASCII calls.
> Skt A IP=
Enter the remote IP address you want to have ASCII messages delivered to by default.
Option 4
When this option is selected you will be prompted to enter a port number to use for socket A.
> Skt A Port=
Enter the remote port number that you want to have ASCII messages delivered to by default (e.g. 7778).