Paxar 9402 Printer User Manual

Field Options
Field option header.
Option number:
1 Define fixed characters.
2 General data type restrictions.
3 Detailed data type restrictions.
4 Copy data from previous field.
5 Define input source.
20 Define data entry prompt.
30 Pad data to left or right with specified character.
31 Define check digit mode and select algorithm.
42 Format as a price field.
60 Define incrementing or decrementing field.
Varies per option. See following definitions.
You can apply field options to text, non-printable text, or bar
code fields. You can use multiple options with most fields, and
in any combination except as noted with each definition.
Options must immediately follow the text, non-printable text
(data), or bar code fields to which they apply.
Online Information
11. Online Information