Partial Field Fixed Character Definition
1. Define your field as shown in Chapter 2,
"Designing a Format."
2. Find Option 1 on the Format Worksheet.
See "Defining Fixed Data" for information on
how Option 1 works.
3. In box R3, after 1, write the fixed characters as you want
them to appear in the field. Make sure you write the
characters in the same row as the text or bar code field
Place an underscore (_) in
positions where you do not want
fixed characters.
This character string defines fixed
characters for positions 1 and 2,
but allows user entry in positions 3
and 4:
"AB_ _"
4. Apply Option 20 to define a data entry prompt for this field
OR apply Option 4 to copy data into the non-fixed
character positions. To copy data into a field, refer to that
section later in this chapter.
Applying Field Options
3. Applying Field Options