Paxar 9402 Printer User Manual

Data Type Restrictions and Data Entry
Templates (Options 2 and 3)
You can use Options 2 or 3 only once per field.
If you do batch entry only in the data stream, you do not need
to apply Options 2 and 3. Use these options only for offline
batch entry.
Restricting Data Types
Normally, you can print all characters (letters, numbers, and
symbols) in text fields. You may want to restrict text in a field
to certain character types, such as letters or numbers only.
You can use detailed restrictions to further limit these
character sets.
General Restrictions
This procedure defines a character set for the entire field. You
can limit acceptable characters to
letters only
numbers only
symbols only
any combination of two of the above.
NOTE: See Appendix C, "Printable Characters," for a
complete list of printable characters.
1. Define your text or bar code field
on the Format Worksheet as
shown in Chapter 2,
"Designing a Format."
2. Find Option 2 on the Format
Worksheet. This is the option for
general character restrictions.
Do not use with:
Option Description
3 Detailed
9401/9402 System Administrator’s Guide