Paxar 9402 Printer User Manual

Transmitting Data
Send packets in this order.
1. Check digit packets
2. Format packets
3. Batch packets
Check digit packets are stored until the printer is turned Off.
The data stream would appear in an order similar to this.
{ Check digit packet }
{ Format header field1 option option field2 option
field3 }
{ Batch header batch data batch data batch data }
On an MS-DOS system, a standard DOS command is used to
transmit the data stream to the printer. For example, the
following commands could be used to transmit an ASCII file
called FRMT1.FMT to a 9401 or 9402 printer connected to
COM port 1.
MODE COM1:2400,N,8,1,P
If the printer is connected to COM2, simply change "COM1" to
"COM2" in the above statements.
Online Information
11. Online Information