Paxar Gold 6037EX Printer User Manual

ROM-DOS Internal Commands 4-65
Batch File, Internal Command
The SHIFT command moves each replaceable parameter for a batch file
one position to the left. Execution of the SHIFT command allows use of
more replaceable parameters in a batch file beyond the standard set of
%0 through %9.
This command moves the string or value stored for each replaceable
parameter one position to the left. Upon execution of SHIFT, the %0
argument assumes the value of the %1 argument, the %1 argument then
assumes the value of the %2 argument, and so on.
The following batch file reads in a list of files (provided as arguments on
the command line) and displays each one to the screen. After displaying
each one, the SHIFT command copies the next file in the argument list
into the %1 slot, verifying the existence of the file, and continues.
Command line argument:
TYPEIT autoexec.bat config.sys net.bat
TYPEIT.BAT batch file:
if EXIST %1 goto doit
goto end
type %1
goto repeat
@echo All Done