Paxar Gold 6037EX Printer User Manual

3-10 Configuring ROM-DOS
Changing Country Conventions
The command to instruct ROM-DOS to use German conventions, for
example, is
The COUNTRY= command requires COUNTRY.SYS to be present in the
root directory of the boot drive. Setting a country code affects
Date and time formats
The symbol used to denote currency
If you only specify a country code, ROM-DOS uses the default code page
for that country. You can choose the alternate code page by including it
in the COUNTRY= command. This command tells ROM-DOS to use
German conventions for things such as date and time but using code
page 437 instead of 850, the default code page.
Setting a system code page affects
The sort order for alphabetizing
The rules for converting international letters to uppercase
The individual application programs determine whether they make use of
these conventions. For example, DOS uses the date format for
displaying directories and for showing and getting the current date and
time. Some programs may choose to ignore the country information and
continue to display dates in a specific format.