Paxar Gold 6037EX Printer User Manual

Index xi
RMDIR command
using to delete a directory/subdirectory,
RMDIR/RD command
using to delete an empty directory, 4-61
changing the displayed version number,
4-74, 4-76
configuring for international use, 3-8, 4-
16, 5-33
configuring for multiple users, 3-1, 4-47,
configuring with CONFIG.SYS, 3-1
displaying the version number of, 4-74,
transferring system files, 5-61
ROM-DOS memory contents
displaying with MEM, 5-37
Searching files
using FIND to examine contents, 5-26
SET command
using to set, remove, display
environment variable, 4-63
SHARE command
using to allow file sharing, 5-54
SHELL command
using to start a command interpreter, 4-
SHIFT command
using to shift batch file parameters, 4-65
SMARTDRV command
using to enhance disk speed, 5-56
SORT command
using to sort contents of text files, 5-58
STACKS command
using to set dynamic data stacks, 4-66
SUBMENU commands
using to define menu items, 4-67
SUBST command
using to substitute disk drive letters, 5-
SWITCHES command
using to control CONFIG.SYS execution,
SYS (System) command
using to copy system files to a disk, 5-
System files
changing with ATTRIB, 5-3
System output
how to redirect to a file, 2-9
System prompt
definition and contents of, 2-7
Terminate and stay resident programs
loading with INSTALL, 4-42
TIME command
using to set the internal clock, 4-70