Paxar Gold 6037EX Printer User Manual

viii Index
using DIR to list directory contents, 4-25
using DISKCOPY to create entire disk,
using ERASE to delete, 4-31
using in place of keyboard input to the
system, 2-8
using MOVE to relocate or rename, 5-41
using PRINT to print copies, 5-48
using REN to change the name of, 4-60
using to receive display/printer data, 2-9
using XCOPY to create, 5-70
FILES command
specifying number of file control blocks,
FIND command
using to search within disk files, 5-26
FOR command
using to repeat batch file commands, 4-
FORMAT command
using to format a floppy disk, 5-28
GOTO command
using to transfer control in batch files,
HELP command
using to obtain ROM-DOS help, 4-38
Help information on ROM-DOS
displaying with the HELP command, 4-
Hidden files
making so with ATTRIB, 5-3
High memory
using EMM386.EXE to support, 5-22
using HIMEM.SYS to support, 5-30
High memory area (HMA)
using the DOS command to load ROM-
DOS, 4-28
using to support extemded memory, 5-30
IF command
conditional execution of batch file
commands, 4-39
INCLUDE command
using to include configuration blocks, 4-
INSTALL command
using to load TSR programs, 4-42
International use
configuring ROM-DOS for, 3-8, 4-16, 5-
using to select a different
keyboard/country, 3-11
KEYB command
using to alter keyboard layouts, 5-33
Keyboard input
how to redirect from a file, 2-8