Paxar Gold 6037EX Printer User Manual

A-2 Glossary
Literally, the number of times per second the signal can change on a
transmission line. Commonly, the transmission line uses only two signal
states making the baud rate equal to the number of bits per second that
can be transferred. The underlying transmission technique may use
some of the bandwidth, so it may not be the case that users experience
data transfers at the line’s specified bit rate.
Basic Input Output System – software that interfaces directly with the
BIOS extension
A short program that the BIOS recognizes and executes as the BIOS
initializes the system.
Booting is restarting and reloading DOS. A PC can be booted by turning
it off and then turning it on or by pressing the Ctrl, Alt, and Del keys
Bootable disk
A system disk that contains the files necessary to start and run the
Built-in device
Built-in device is an input/output device that is part of the DOS kernel.
Disk Operating System – an operating system that relies on disks for file