Paxar Gold 6037EX Printer User Manual

2-8 DOS Basics
The last command entered on the command line is stored in a command
line buffer. You can recall and edit the contents of this buffer as a way of
reentering the command to repeat it or make changes to it. For example,
if you intended to enter CHKDSK but accidentally entered CHKDSI, a
message appears indicating that CHKDSI is a nonexistent command or
file name. Rather than reentering the entire string of characters, press
F3 to recall the string and use the Backspace key to back up and make
the correction.
You may also make corrections to the beginning of long command line
entries. For example, suppose you enter the command
where the command is misspelled (COPY is missing the O). To correct
the command line, press F1 to display the first character. Then press Ins
followed by O.
You can now enter the rest of the command by pressing F3 once.
Redirecting Input and Output
Certain conventions dictate where each ROM-DOS command receives
input data and where it sends output data. However, by using the right
angle bracket (>) and the left angle bracket (<), you can redirect the input
and output.
Input Redirection
The syntax for changing standard input source from keyboard input to file
input is
< filename
When this is added at the end of the command line, ROM-DOS receives
its instructions from the file named
Caution: If input redirection is used and the input file is incomplete,
the system will hang and refuse to accept information from
the keyboard (except for Ctrl+Alt+Del to reboot).