Paxar Gold 6037EX Printer User Manual

Utility Descriptions 5-43
Basic Editor Operation
NED uses the standard Windows interface for cut, copy, and paste
operations. Del and Shift+Del both move the selected block to the
clipboard. There is no true undo command, but Ctrl+V or Shift+Ins may
be used to paste the clipboard contents to the current cursor position.
If a search string contains any uppercase letters, it is case sensitive. If a
search string is all lowercase, NED treats it as a case-insensitive search.
The replacement string is inserted exactly as entered. Repeating a
search repeats the last Forward or Backward search operation, not the
last replace operation.
There is one bookmark for all files. Once the bookmark is set, going to
the bookmark returns you to the file and position where you set it.
Indent and Remove-indent (referred to as Undent in the Options/Do
Command) commands work on tabs. Indent inserts a tab at the beginning
of the current line, or if a block is active, at the beginning of each line in
the block. Remove-indent removes the first tab from the current line or
from each line in the block. If there are no tabs, Remove-indent has no
Toggle case inverts the case of the current character if no block is active.
If a block is active, Toggle case sets the entire block to uppercase if the
first character was lowercase, and to lowercase if the first character was
Tabs are currently set to 3 for .C, .H, .CPP, .HPP, and .T files. They are
set to 8 for all other files.
File/Print prints the current block if there is one, otherwise it prints the
current file. NED prompts for a device to print to, which may be a
. Tabs are expanded to spaces.
Options/Do is intended primarily for debugging. This command allows
you to execute any editor command by choosing it from a menu list.
Macros (Record Macro/Play Macro) allow you to define a sequence of
keystrokes that can be repeated over and over. Select Record Macro
(ALT=), enter the keystrokes, then press ALT= again. The macro