Chapter 15. SUMMARY OF
15.1 Modulator
Modulation BPSK, QPSK, OQPSK, 8-PSK, 8-QAM and 16-QAM
Symbol rate range 4.8 ksps to 10.0 Msps
Data rate range See Section 14.9
Operating modes Open Network, per Intelsat IESS-308/309/310/314 (IDR, IBS/SMS)
E1/T1 Drop and Insert
Transparent, Closed Network, IESS-315 (VSAT Turbo)
Proprietary EDMAC framed mode:
* 5% overhead - all modes except BPSK Turbo, Rate 1/2 OQPSK Turbo, and data rates < 2.048 Mbps
* 1.5% overhead - Rate 21/44, 5/16 Turbo, Rate 1/2 OQPSK Turbo, and all other rates >2.048 Mbps
R-S Outer Codec
Turbo Product Codec – Low Rate, 1
Generation (optional):
* Rate 5/16 BPSK
* Rate 21/44 BPSK
* Rate 3/4 QPSK/OQPSK/8-PSK/16-QAM
Turbo Product Codec – High Rate, 2
Generation (optional):
* Rate 21/44 BPSK
* Rate 5/16 BPSK
* Rate 1/2 QPSK/OQPSK (exact Code Rate is actually 0.477)
* Rate 3/4 QPSK/OQPSK/8-PSK/16-QAM
* Rate 7/8 QPSK/OQPSK/8-PSK/16-QAM
* Rate 0.95 QPSK/OQPSK/8-PSK (exact Code Rate is actually 0.944)
LDPC Codec (optional – includes all 2
Generation TPC modes):
* Rate 2/3 QPSK/OQPSK/8-PSK/8-QAM
* Rate 3/4 QPSK/OQPSK/8-PSK/8-QAM/16-QAM
Automatic Uplink Power Contol (AUPC) mode
High Rate ESC (FAST, with Firmware version. 1.3.1 or higher)
ESC++ (with firmware version 2.0.1 or higher)
Drop & Insert ++ (with firmware version 1.5.0 or higher)
Transmit filtering Per INTELSAT IESS-308 (FIR digital filter implementation)