CDM-600 Satellite Modem Revision 7
Installation MN/CDM600.IOM
2.3 Configuration
There are no internal jumpers to configure, no interface cards to install, and no other
options to install. All configurations are carried out entirely in software. The unit should
first be configured locally, using the front panel keypad and display. The unit will ship
with a default 64 kbps, QPSK, Rate 1/2 configuration. Please refer to the ‘FRONT
PANEL OPERATION’ section for details on how to fully configure the unit for the
desired operating parameters.
Note: The auto-sensing AC power supply does not require any adjustments. Simply plug
in the supplied line cord, and turn on the switch on the rear panel.
2.4 Select Internal IF Loop
Correct operation of the unit may be verified rapidly, without the need for externally
connected equipment. From the top level menu, select TEST, then IF LOOP (refer to the
‘FRONT PANEL OPERATION’ section). The demod should synchronize, and the green
RECEIVE TRAFFIC LED should illuminate. If the unit does not pass this test, call
Comtech EF Data Customer Support department for assistance.
2.5 Connect External Cables
Having verified correct operation in IF loop, enter the desired configuration, and proceed
to connect all external cables. If difficulties occur, please call the factory for assistance.
Note: That the modulator gives an output power level in the range 0 to -20 dBm, and the
demodulator expects to see a signal in the range -30 to -60 dBm.